Need Help Writing?

I offer services designed to make your experience with words more manageable, enjoyable, and relational. I believe that 1) Writing well is impossible to do on your own; 2) Writing is a long journey—far more fun with a friend; and 3) Writing is for others: anything we write, whether for our business, artistic, or professional pursuits, should be purposefully crafted through a lens that sees a specific audience.

Quality support and skills that honor the creative process of your writing over manufacturing a product are provided. As we honor the necessary steps of quality work, the best product will come. Whether you’re in need of a creative collaborator to hone your vision and get you started, a wordsmith with the time and tools needed to conceptualize and craft your ideas, or more structured support through mentorship, coaching, or editing, I’m hear to listen, learn, and lead you and your work to the next level.

See current packages below. If you’re interested in working together, fill out the Contact form and I’ll follow-up with a free 20-minute consultation to discuss your specific project, goals, options, and rates.

Dream-Building Buddy

Potential Services via The Business Package:

writing, editing, creating, publishing, designing, planning, marketing, launching, networking & ongoing support

holla at ya girl

Creative Writing Coach

Potential offerings via The Writer’s Package:

mentorship, conferences, developmental editing, customized online creative writing courses, craft instruction, networking & industry insights

connect with a coach


Professional Writing Support

Potential projects supported via The Deadline Package:

cover letters, resumés, cvs, college essays, higher-ed essays, industry-specific publications, scholarship & grant applications

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